Chamomile flowers

Price: 5.37 €
Q: 50 gr

Formulation: Fragmented flowers.

Content: Chamomile flowers.

Characteristics: Chamomile flowers contain ether oil, flavonoids, coumarins, organic acids, ascorbic acids, carotene, gums, polysaccharides, amarines and other biologically active substances.

Description: Parts of wholly or partially faded flower heads. The color is brownish- or greenish-yellow with white, yellowish-white, yellow, green, greenish-brown or brown fragments. The smell is strong, aromatic. Taste of aqueous extract is spicy, bitterish, and slightly slimy.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Herbal drug.

Pharmacological effect: Chamomile flowers concoction exerts anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and moderately anti-microbial activity, decreases the processes of fermentation in intestine, and increases secretion of digestive glands.

Indications: The drug is used per os as part of the complex therapy of chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, in chronic enteritis, chronic colitis, flatulence, intestinal spasms, and diarrhea. It is used in form of micro-enemas in spastic colitis, hemorrhoid.

Contraindications. Increased sensitivity to drug.

Dosage and administration. Place about 10 g (2 teaspoons) of chamomile flowers in enameled ware, add 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover and heat on the boiling water bath for 15 minutes, then cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter and then squeeze remaining product. The resulting concoction is diluted with boiled water to 200 ml. Take 2-3 teaspoons of concoction per os 2-3 times per day. For rinsing of oral cavity and throat use ½ - 1 glass of warm concoction 3-5 times per day. Rectal enema is 50 ml of warm concoction. It is recommended to shake concoction before the use.

Adverse effects: Allergic reactions are possible.

Presentation. Fragmented flowers 35 g, 50 g in cardboard packs with internal paper bag. The text and instructions are completely printed on cardboard pack.

Storage conditions. Keep in the dry site protected from light; prepared concoction shall be kept in cool site for no longer than 2 days. Keep away from children.

Shelf-life. 1 year. Do not use after “Best before” date on the package.